Tuesday 3 July 2012

wire nacles

wire necklace  are very difficult to make but if we have interest in art than we make all these type of wire necklace , wire bracelets , wire earing etc.
its very beautiful necklace and  very clear wire work in this wire necklace.

thread braclet.

wow its very pretty bracelet and very easy to make when we wear this thread bracelet than our hand will looking very gorgeous because its color combination is very very pretty..

wire ear ring.

 "Earrings Designed to Enhance Your Own Natural Beauty"
 Because each piece is individually hand crafted, they all are unique and differ in their own special way.
wire ear ring are little  bit difficult  but very beautiful to wear.

Monday 2 July 2012

bounty wire ring.

wire work rings.

I've been playing with beads and wire again! I found a GORGEOUS ring , and just had to play around with the technique. After making 3 fail rings, I got the hang of it and made a ton more, because it's new, challenging, and darn fun.
 All of these rings are very, very heavily and amazing beautiful things lie in store.
  I'm just making these for fun and to learn a bit more about wire work. Wire work was actually one of my very first crafts that I began to learn at the age of 9 or 10, whenever kids are in the 5th grade.  So, truth be told, I love making these... And I kind of got excited and went overboard and ordered 4 multi packs of different colored wire. Don't judge me! You can tell from my blog, I have a crafting obsession. For some women it's shoes. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

                                                                     wire earing.
                                                                      wire rings.

 As you now all know I am addicted to wire works and when I see a piece of any kind of wire I want to do something with it. I created these six new rings, modern and yet simple. I really love these for spring time

wire work.

wire wok is very beautiful to look and very easy to mke it.
i just warped the wire an add some beads in this.
its looking very pretty in our hands.
we can make easily wire ring at home , if we want to go argent in some where than we can easily make wire  rings ,and than  wear wire ring and go forward.